Chicago, Bike Grid Now! Newsletter
Upcoming Events | DuSable Lakeshore Boulevard | Bike Grid Implementation
Upcoming Events
Saturday, April 22nd 11am - Pedal for the Planet with CTU. 4 Bike Buses throughout the city and a bike jam from Douglass Park. RSVP:
Sunday, April 23rd 2pm - Bike Jam to the One Earth Mini Film Fest where they are screening The Street Project. Free tickets for the screening:
Tuesday, April 25th 6pm - Workshop/Conversation about building local power through community and neighborhood orgs and how to influence aldermanic decision making. RSVP:
DuSable Lakeshore Boulevard
It’s no surprise that when you put highway builders, AKA IDOT, in charge of something, the result will be a highway. Chicago can and must do better. We’re going to push for the governor and the mayor to cancel this process with IDOT and start with a fresh perspective and higher aspirations. This is the beginning; join us by taking a small step.
Bike Grid Implementation
CBGN organizers met for a second time with CDOT to discuss possible ways to collaborate. While we believe that CDOT is trying to accelerate bike infrastructure implementation, it seems pretty clear that there’s still not enough urgency from City Hall and enough demand from communities throughout Chicago to use the quick-build tactics (see below) that we mentioned in our last newsletter. We are planning to organize a city-wide stakeholder group so that CDOT can hear from communities that want the benefits of being part of a city-wide grid.
The early stage, simple version as rendered above, would use concrete barriers to create chicanes.
Next iteration. A little prettier.